The Team


Hey there! My name is Stephen. I've been on a journey over the past few years, exploring the rich history and craftsmanship behind bourbon. Work can be demanding, but I always make sure to prioritize spending time with my lovely wife and family. Those sweet moments are what make life truly special, you know? From savoring the different notes of bourbon to enjoying the simple pleasures, my time in Indiana has been full of passion, family, and the vibrant spirit of the Midwest. So here's to the Hoosier life, where every day is a celebration of the things that matter most. Cheers, my friend!


Hi everybody, I’m Chuck. Stephen and I grew up together here in Central Indiana; we’ve shared thousands of drinks, but only in the last ten years or so have I started to appreciate whiskey. Like a fine spirit, my knowledge and appreciation have grown with time. I’ve been fortunate to travel the world and experience whiskeys from all over; from bourbon on the back porch to sake in Okinawa, I’ve learned a lot. As I’ve developed my palate and learned how good whiskey is made, I’ve realized that there are principles in the craftsmanship of whiskey that apply to a strong work culture and community. Hard work, getting out what you put in, taking your time, and having the right location are all important to whiskey and the workspace. Our hope for this endeavor is to explore all the parallels intersections, and take a deep dive into both.